Life leads us to culs-de-sac many a times. There we stand and stare, regretting and repenting, every move and turn we took. Little do we know that these dead ends are the final full-stops of the current chapter. We have to ‘Pause’ and give a break, before we begin with the next chapter of life.

Sit at the dead end enjoy the view, introspect and re-frame yourself for the next chapter of your life. Plan well, and never regret your previous plans, they may have not given you a desirable outcome but they have taught you what you could not visualize at the beginning. They have taught you that possible out come of your thinking and planning which you couldn’t.

Dead ends disappoints those who loose themselves with every loss in life. Gains and losses, ups and and downs, this is how life navigates us, to the ultimate self we are to become. Now whenever life brings you to a cul-de-sac, remember, the road to happiness is down a cul-de-sac!

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